Source: Tar Wars Calendar 2004-2005, Published by the American Academy of Family Physicians
How Smoking Affects The Environment
- If you smoked a packet of cigarettes a day, your habit would cost around
$1800 per year. Wouldn't you rather do something fun with that money,
like a trip to Disneyland?
- A broken leg of a smoker takes 80% longer to
heal than a nonsmoker (276 days compared to 146)
- Secondhand smoke causes
3,000 cases of lung cancer in nonsmokers each year
What you consume or is it consuming you?
- Arsenic: Used in rat poison
- Acetic Acid: Vinergar, hair dye and
- Acetone: Main ingredient in paint and fingernail polish remover
Ammonia: typical household cleaner
- Benzene: rubber cement
- Butane:
Cigarette lighter fluid
- Cadmiun: Found in batteries and artists' oil
- Formaldehyde: used to embalm dead bodies. This embalming
fluid is also oftern used to embalm small animals in biology classes.
Hexamine: a major ingredient in barbecue lighter fluid
- Napthalenes: used
in explosives, moth balls and paint pigments.
- Nitrobenzene: A gasoline
- Phenol: used in disinfectants and plastics
- Stearic Acid:
Found in candle wax
- Styrene: Found in insulation material (Styrofoam)
Vinyl Chloride: ingredient found in garbage bags
I like to look older than I am
- Short-term use of spit tobacco can cause cracked lips, white spots,
sores and bleeding in mouth.
- Smokers run slower and can't run as far,
affecting overall athletic performance
Who benefits?
Tobacco companies make $1.8 billion from under-age sales.