Vand Shakna: (sharing your fortune with others) is one of the main principles of Sikhism. This section entails the numerous ways you can help and share with communities and individuals. Little things can make a big difference. You can make informed donations and do your part in serving humanity.
Mata Khivi was Guru Angad Dev's wife made the concept of langar (community kitchen), a reality. "Langar" is an open and a free kitchen at the Gurudwara serving food for all.
By Harjinder Singh
'Langar' refers to the distribution of food - free - to the sangat. It promotes the idea of equality as the members of the sangat are required to sit cross legged on the floor alongside each other, regardless of caste, status or rank. There is no special treatment meted out to individuals of a certain class, food is not especially prepared for a particular individual or group of individuals
Whilst preparation due regard is made to purity, the sevadars (selfless workers) will normally utter the Gurbani and refrain from speaking if possible. The mouth and nose will be covered by a piece of cloth known as a parna. Read More
By Harjinder Singh
The Dasvand is a portion of a working Sikhs earnings which are set aside for charitable purposes. It originated in the period of the Gurus when projects were taken up such as the building of Gurudwaras. The Gurus asked the Sikhs to set aside a portion of their earnings for the costs of the Gurudwaras and other local causes.
Charitable purposes include medical appeals, disaster appeals, Rebuilding of Gurudwaras, Collections for the poor and needy, Collections for educational purposes (e.g., to supply free books and literature) etc. The Dasvand should not be donated to causes that may ultimately increase suffering - the Dasvand is strictly used to reduce suffering and promote peace. Read More...
Nishkam committed to ensuring
special care and protection for the disadvantaged members of the human
race -- victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence
and exploitation and those with disabilities.
National Marrow Donor Program
"As a volunteer, you can donate your blood stem cells, your time,
your talents, and/or your finances. Patients all over the world need
volunteers like you to
join the Registry
and donate marrow or blood stem cells. They also need your help in raising
awareness among the general public. Contact your local
center or recruitment
group to find out how you can get involved. To make a financial
contribution for scientific research, donor recruitment, or awareness
campaigns, contact The Marrow
Foundation |
Chicago Homeless
"The Chicago Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) organizes and advocates
to prevent and end homelessness based on our belief that housing is a
human right in a just society"
Soup Kitchen: Salvation Army
Look up your local Salvation Army Shelter or Any other homeless
shelter or relief organization. You can drop off your extra or old
clothes, household items, coats, shoes, appliances, suitcases and drop off
at your local Salvation Army drop locations. You can request a
receipt for tax time! Or you can help shop for groceries, serve food
to the recipients yourself or make a financial contribution.
A quick overview: Salvation Army of the Chicago Soup Kitchen
Last Saturday of every month, 11:30 am till 2:00. Monthly sponsors.
Approximate cost to sponsor a lunch for 160 people = $150
Volunteers are also needed to set up the lunch area, serve food and clean
Be an informed donor. Donate to known charities. Do not donate to
charities you do not trust.
This is what you should ask before donating:
Get the charity's exact name.
Where is the charity headquartered?
Does it have local offices?
What is the address and phone number of its local and national offices?
What percentage of the money the charity takes in goes to fund raising?
What percentage to of the money goes into administration? What percentage to the charitable program?
What program does it offer in your community? Where? What is the primary purpose of the charity?
Is the solicitor a volunteer or a paid solicitor? (If he or she is paid, a portion of your contribution will pay the salary; find out how much he or she receives.)
How long has the charity been in operation?
Is it registered with the Illinois Attorney General's Office?
Will the charity provide a current financial statement?
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