Sikhism . Population

On this page: Religions of the world.  Religious denominations in World, India, UK and the USA.

Languages spoken

Chinese, Mandarin 14.37%, Hindi 6.02%, English 5.61%, Spanish 5.59%, Bengali 3.4%, Portuguese 2.63%, Russian 2.75%, Japanese 2.06%, German, Standard 1.64%, Korean 1.28%, French 1.27% (2000 est.)

World Religions

Christians 32.71% (of which Roman Catholics 17.28%, Protestants 5.61%, Orthodox 3.49%, Anglicans 1.31%)
Muslims 19.67%
Hindus 13.28%
Buddhists 5.84%
Sikhs 0.38%
Jews 0.23%
other religions 13.05%
non-religious 12.43%
atheists 2.41% (2002 est.)


India Hindu 81.3%
Muslim 12%
Christian 2.3%
Sikh 1.9%
other groups including Buddhist, Jain, Parsi 2.5% (2000)


Anglican and Roman Catholic 40 million
Muslim 1.5 million
Presbyterian 800,000
Methodist 760,000
Sikh 500,000
Hindu 500,000
Jewish 350,000

Source: CIA  (updated Nov 2004)


1.6 million Asian Indians ('discovered' by the 2000 US Census) nearly seven hundred thousand have 'Singh' or 'Kaur' as part of their name - which means they are Sikhs. Source





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