Anti-Violence . Safety . Guidelines 

Report all attacks verbal or physical to the police at 911 and to 1-888-99-NO-HATE
File a complaint with The United States Commission on Civil Rights, 800-552-6843
Report Hate Crimes against Sikhs

1.  Carry your passport to swiftly establish your identity in case you are pulled over by the law officials.

2.  Avoid going to crowded public places alone, especially at night.

3.  Carry a phone when out in public.

4.  Turn on alarm systems in your homes or businesses.

5.  Drive carefully as to not draw attention to your car by violating laws or rude road side manners.

6.  Co-operate with security personnel for extra checks.

7.  Contact Principals at your children's schools.

8.  Remind other non-Sikh Americans that Sikh men wear turbans and are not associated with Ussama Bin Laden.  

9.  Display the American flag outside your home and your car.

10.  Wear a red, white or blue ribbon when in public.  

For any help or assistance - contact your local Gurudwara. 


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