







The Sikh View




Education Opportunities

  • Educational Opportunities for the Underserved

    • Academic institutions for the Deaf
    • Wharton (MBA) Opportunities for Sikh Women
      Submitted by: Jatinder Singh Bhatti, President of the Sikh Foundation Inc. (www.sikhfoundation.com)
    • In light of the recent activities that have taken place within the Sikh community, it is quite evident that the Sikh community needs more responsible and established leaders. As part of this effort, the SikhFoundation is working with the Wharton School http://www.wharton.upenn.edu to open its doors and invite women of Sikh origin to visit the school to see firsthand how an MBA from the Wharton School can help you reach your fullest leadership potential.  
  • On-line Education and Universities

University of Illinois Online Degrees and Online Courses
University of Illinois online degrees, online courses and certificate programs.
 BBC Learning  [Submit a link coming soon]
  • Sikh Student Organizations for you to get involved in

    • Coming soon



© 1999-2005 International Sikh Student Society info@SikhStudents.com  | August 30, 2005